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TBS Membership Application

“Do not separate yourself from the community.” —Talmud Temple Beth Shalom opens its membership to anyone whose heart so moves them to express themselves Jewishly.

Family Information

Please enter as last name(s) followed by first name(s).

If married only. Please provide day/month/year!

Adult #1 Details

If any. Please transliterate!

Adult #2 Details

If any. Please transliterate!

Other Congregation Affiliation(s)


Child #1

Please transliterate!

Child #2

Please transliterate!

Child #3

Please transliterate!

Child #4

Please transliterate!

Child #5

Please transliterate!

Yahrzeits / Anniversaries of Death

Yahrzeit #1

Please include day, month, and year.

Yahrzeit #2

Please include day, month, and year.

Yahrzeit #3

Please include day, month, and year.

Yahrzeit #4

Please include day, month, and year.

Yahrzeit #5

Please include day, month, and year.

Volunteer Opportunities

Get Involved! Temple Beth Shalom has many volunteer opportunities for new members. To get involved in Temple activities, programs, and policy development, please indicate below those opportunities that might interest you. You will be contacted with more information.

Membership Directory and Temple Contact Preferences

Temple Beth Shalom publishes a membership directory annually (this is a member-only publication). Please indicate your contact preferences below.

Email Preferences

By default, Temple Beth Shalom will send you our monthly bulletin ("The Window") by postal mail and our weekly e-bulletin ("The eWindow") by email. You may also opt to receive an electronic copy of "The Window".

You will be able to change your email preferences with us at any time by visiting the Temple Beth Shalom website.

Annual Support Commitment

Joining Temple Beth Shalom creates a covenant between the member and the congregation. As part of this covenant, the members and the congregation support each other. The members’ most ubiquitous expression of support for the congregation is through the pledge of the Annual Support Commitment (or “Dues”).

Information about suggested Annual Support Commitment amounts, including our Standard Annual Support Commitment levels, is available at:


After sending in this application, you will be contacted by the Temple Beth Shalom office to help establish an Annual Support Commitment rate that is acceptable to you and/or your family.

Account Details

Enter your name and e-mail address for your confirmation:

Payment Information


Please increase the payment amount by 3% to cover the cost of credit card fees (No fee for Checking)

For added Security please check the box below.