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2018 Spring Gala Fundraiser

Celebrating 10 years with Rabbi Benjy Bar-Lev!

RSVP required by Monday, April 16, 2018. * denotes required field.

Sponsor Levels

Package includes 10 meals, Platinum tribute slide, and special signage at Gala.

Package includes 6 meals, Gold tribute slide, and special signage at Gala.

Package includes 4 meals, Silver tribute slide, and special signage at Gala.

Package includes 2 meals and a full-slide tribute ad.

Package includes 2 meals and a quarter-slide tribute ad.

Digital Tributes

This year we are creating a Digital Tribute Slideshow that will run throughout the evening. If you have any questions about the digital tributes please contact the Temple Office at (614) 855-4882. Please note: All images must be emailed in jpeg or png formats to [email protected]. Deadline for inclusion is April 16, 2018. (If you selected a sponsor level above your digital tribute slide is included in the sponsorship package - Please proceed to meal selection).

Slide measures 13.3"(w) x 7.5"(h)

Slide measures 6.65"(h) x 7.5"(w)

Slide measures 6.65"(w) x 3.75"(h)

Must not exceed 125 characters (including spaces)

Dinner Guests

This section of the form is used only for the purchase of individual dinners. Please DO NOT include number of attendees from Sponsor Packages in your count here.

*Meal Selection


Gluten Free


Gluten Free

Gluten Free and Vegan

Donations and Seating Preferences


Tables seat 8-10 guests

Account Details

Enter your name and e-mail address for your confirmation:

Payment Information


Please increase the payment amount by 3% to cover the cost of credit card fees (No fee for Checking)

For added Security please check the box below.